Zippy's Adventures

Green cartoon Martian with a smile and a wave

Meet Zippy!

Introducing Zippy's Adventures!

Meet our friendly Martian, Zippy, your new companion for family fun and exploration. Borrow Zippy, take him along on your adventures, snap some photos, and share the joy with us! Whether you're exploring local parks, embarking on road trips, or enjoying backyard picnics, Zippy is ready to be a part of your cherished memories. Join the adventure today and let Zippy add a touch of Martian magic to your family moments!

How does it work?

Step 1: Stop in to the library and check out Zippy. 

Step 2: Take Zippy on some adventures and snap some photos of the fun.
Some ideas could include having a picnic, visiting a museum, reading a book together, checking out local landmarks, building a sandcastle, going camping, cheering on your favourite team, or taking a road trip. 

Step 3: Upload the photos below with an explanation of his adventures. 

Check out the photo album of Zippy's Adventures. Zippy's Photos

Feel free to submit more than two photos by filling out the form again. 

Please include if the entry is under 18.