Portal to the Past

Explore over 100 years of local history!  

With a few clicks of a mouse, you can search digitized copies of the Wainwright Star Chronicle dating back to 1908. Our resources include Star News and Bison Printing.


Our Heritage is priceless and we thank our annual sponsors for helping with its preservation. Become a sponsor of Portal to the Past by downloading a sponsorship package. Filled out forms can be mailed with a cheque to Wainwright Public Library and a tax-deductible receipt will be mailed back to you.

Platinum Sponsors - $1000

Gold Level Sponsor - $500

Silver Level Sponsor - $250

Community Supporter - $50

What is your special year?

Commemorate your memory by annually sponsoring your special year for $50.00. A tax-deductible receipt will be issued.

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